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Arun Seetharam


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Guide for running GO enrichment on Maize genes

This guide is heavily based on the David Winter’s guide available here. Please refer to the documentation for more details. The GO annotations (PANZZER) for all NAMs are available here (files with _GO.out extension). We use the topGO package in R to run the enrichment analysis and R (tidyverse) to plot the results.

1. Download the GO annotations

First, get the GO annotations you wish to run the enrichment on. For example, if you want to run the enrichment on the B73.v5 genes (eg: Zm00001eb123456), you can download the GO annotations from MaizeGDB B73_GO.out. The file looks something like this:

qpid ontology goid desc ARGOT_score ARGOT_PPV ARGOT_rank goclasscount
Zm00001eb093920_P002 BP 10119 regulation of stomatal movement 11.68753 0.801096 1 1
Zm00001eb093920_P002 CC 5634 nucleus 0.89513 0.442076 1 1
Zm00001eb093920_P001 CC 5634 nucleus 4.110372 0.599079 1 8
Zm00001eb093920_P001 MF 976 transcription cis-regulatory region binding 1.176456 0.462191 1 1
Zm00001eb093920_P001 BP 30154 cell differentiation 0.9394 0.445432 1 1
Zm00001eb033650_P002 MF 43733 DNA-3-methylbase glycosylase activity 11.67336 0.800795 1 100
Zm00001eb033650_P002 BP 6284 base-excision repair 8.374165 0.724882 1 100
Zm00001eb033650_P001 MF 43733 DNA-3-methylbase glycosylase activity 11.67341 0.800796 1 100
Zm00001eb033650_P001 BP 6284 base-excision repair 8.374205 0.724883 1 100

(first 10 lines) The qpid column in the GO annotations is the geneid. The goid column is the GO term id. The ontology column is the GO term ontology (Biological Processes or BP, Molecular Function or MF, Cellular Component or CC). The ARGOT_score is the score assigned by PANNZER. The ARGOT_PPV is the precision score assigned by PANNZER. The ARGOT_rank is the rank assigned by PANNZER. The goclasscount is the number of genes in the GO term. The desc is the description of the GO term.

to download:


2. Get the list of genes you want to run the enrichment on

The list of genes can be anything, for example, the genes that are differentially expressed between two conditions or genes that are in a group of interest. Most common reason you want to run the enrichment is to check if a collection of genes have something in common. The differentially expressed genes between two conditions, are usually obtained from DESeq2 output that is filtered based on log2fc and p-value. If you are running this on B73.v5 geneids should look something like this:


The _T001 at the end of the geneid is the transcript id. Sometimes it can also be _P001

3. Format the GO annotations and filter them to run topGO

Required packages:


Read the GO annotations and filter them to only include the genes you want to run the enrichment on. The qpid (the geneid column) should be similar to the geneids in the list of genes you want to run the enrichment on. Note that your gene list have _T00N while the table has them _P00N.

We also want to include only those geneids that have confident ARGOT_score assigned by PANNZER. And finally, we want it in a format that topGO can read. We can do this in R as follows:

fname = 'B73_GO.out'
go <-
    quote = '"',
    sep = "\t",
    header = TRUE,
    colClasses = c('goid' = 'character', 'qpid' = 'character')
# some filtering
go_filt <- go[(go$ARGOT_PPV > 0.5), ]
go_filt$goid <- paste0('GO:', go_filt$goid)
panzer_to_golist <- function(panzer_df){
  go_df <- aggregate( goid ~ qpid, data=panzer_df, FUN=c)
  structure(go_df$goid, .Names=go_df$qpid)
all_golist <- panzer_to_golist(go_filt)

4. Formatting input genelists

Since our genelist have transcript ids, we need to first convert them to protein ids.

myInput <-
             quote = "\"",
             comment.char = "")
colnames(myInput) <- "genenames"
myInput <- myInput %>%
  mutate(genenames = str_replace(genenames, "_T", "_P")) %>%
  mutate(myInput = "yes")

the stdout should show:

             genenames myInput
1 Zm00001eb196330_P001     yes
2 Zm00001eb034510_P001     yes
3 Zm00001eb001710_P001     yes
4 Zm00001eb115990_P002     yes
5 Zm00001eb281950_P001     yes
6 Zm00001eb329780_P001     yes

For topGO we need the entire list of genes with yes or no for each gene. The yes or no indicates if the gene is in the list of genes you want to run the enrichment on. We can do this in R as follows:

 # create full list of genes
gene_names <- names(all_golist)
myGenes <-
colnames(myGenes) <- "genenames"
myGenes <- left_join(myGenes, myInput)
myGenes$myInput <- myGenes$myInput %>%
myGenesF <- factor(as.integer(myGenes$myInput == 'yes'))
names(myGenesF) <- gene_names

The stdout should show:

> head(myGenesF, 3)
Zm00001eb000010_P001 Zm00001eb000020_P001 Zm00001eb000020_P002 
                   0                    0                    0

Now we are ready to run the enrichment analysis.

5. Run the enrichment analysis

If you have a large number of list to run the enrichment, you can create a function and use that to run the enrichment.

run_topGO <- function(gene_list, ontology, gene2GO_list){
  topGO_data <- new("topGOdata", ontology = ontology, allGenes = gene_list,
                    annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = gene2GO_list)
  fishers_result <- runTest(topGO_data, algorithm = "elim", statistic = "fisher")
  fishers_table <- GenTable(topGO_data, Fishers = fishers_result, useLevels = TRUE)
  fishers_table$Ontology <- ontology

Now we can run the enrichment analysis on the list of genes we want to run the enrichment on.

myGenes_BP.table <- run_topGO(myGenesF, "BP", all_golist)
myGenes_MF.table <- run_topGO(myGenesF, "MF", all_golist)
myGenes_CC.table <- run_topGO(myGenesF, "CC", all_golist)

The stdout should show something like this:

> head(myGenes_BP.table)
       GO.ID                                        Term Level Annotated Significant Expected Fishers Ontology
1 GO:0000706 meiotic DNA double-strand break processi...    11         2           1     0.00  0.0010       BP
2 GO:0017126                             nucleologenesis     8         5           1     0.00  0.0026       BP
3 GO:0010555                        response to mannitol     6        11           1     0.01  0.0057       BP
4 GO:0016121                  carotene catabolic process     9        13           1     0.01  0.0068       BP
5 GO:1905786 positive regulation of anaphase-promotin...    13        14           1     0.01  0.0073       BP
6 GO:0005975              carbohydrate metabolic process     4      2529           5     1.32  0.0086       BP

You can also combine them to a single table using rbind if you wish:

myGenesGO.table <- (rbind(myGenes_BP.table, myGenes_MF.table, myGenes_CC.table))
myGenesGO.table <- myGenesGO.table[order(myGenesGO.table$Fishers),]

6. Plot the results

For plotting, we will use ggplot2 and tidyverse packages. If you are running this on multiple lists, you can create a function and use that to plot the results. Two visualizations that are easy to interpret are Bubble plot and Bar plot.

Bubble plot

myBubblePlot <- function(table = myGenes_BP.table, term = "BP") {
           x = Term,
           y = -log10(Fishers),
           size = Significant,
           fill = -log10(Fishers)
         )) +
    expand_limits(y = 1) +
    geom_point(shape = 21) +
    #   scale_size(range = c(2.5, 12.5)) +
    scale_fill_continuous(low = 'royalblue', high = 'tomato') +
    xlab('') + ylab('-log10 (p value') +
    labs(title = paste0('GO Analysis (', term, ")")) +
      yintercept = c(-log10(0.05), -log10(0.01), -log10(0.001)),
      linetype = c("dotted", "dotted", "dotted"),
      colour = c("black", "black", "black"),
      size = c(1, 1, 1)
    ) +
    theme_bw(base_size = 12) +
      legend.position = 'right',
      legend.background = element_rect(),
      plot.title = element_text(vjust = 1),
      plot.subtitle = element_text(vjust = 1),
      plot.caption = element_text(vjust = 1),
      axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 1.10),
      axis.text.y = element_text(vjust = 0.5),
      axis.line = element_line(colour = 'black'),
      legend.key = element_blank(),
      legend.key.size = unit(1, "cm"),
    ) +

Bar plot

myBarPlot <- function(table = myGenes_BP.table, term = "BP") {
  table <- table %>% mutate(word = case_when(Significant == 1 ~ "hit",
                                             TRUE ~ "hits"))
  ggplot(table, aes(reorder(Term, -log10(Fishers)),
                    -log10(Fishers), fill = Ontology)) +
    geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +
    scale_fill_manual(values = c(
      "BP" = "#9531b8",
      "MF" = "#9dd745",
      "CC" = "#da4218"
    )) +
    geom_text(aes(label = paste(Significant, word, "of", Annotated)),
              hjust = 2,
              color = "white") +
    theme_classic(base_size = 14) +
    ylab("- log10 p-value") +
    xlab("") +
    labs(title = paste0('GO Analysis (', term, ")")) +
    scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, .1)),
                       breaks = scales::pretty_breaks()) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +

To run them:

myBubblePlot(table = myGenes_BP.table, term = "CC")


myBarPlot(table = myGenes_BP.table, term = "CC")


You can export the plots as pdf or png using ggsave function.


There are various other visualizations as well, but these two are the most common ones. I hope this guide was helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.